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The History of the Future of Education Technology

This is part two of my annual review of the year in ed-tech One of the challenges of writing this series – and trust me, there are many – is separating my analysis out into ten articles that name ten distinct “trends.” I mean, yes, I’m totally making up the...

Presidential-Elect Trump “The Long Game of Betsy DeVos” by Jennifer Berkshire. Via The 74: “Betsy Devos, Trump’s EdSec Pick, Promoted Virtual Schools Despite Dismal Results.” Her husband is an investor in K12 Inc. (Meanwhile, The 74’s founder Campbell Brown says she won’t write about DeVos since they’re besties.) Education Week...

This is part one of my annual review of the year in ed-tech In 2005, Joan Didion published The Year of Magical Thinking, which chronicles her husband’s death in December 2003, shortly after their daughter had fallen into septic shock and been placed an induced coma. I read the book...

It’s time once again for my annual review of “the year in education technology,” something I’ve done since 2010. Tomorrow I’ll launch the seventh edition of this massive, maniacal undertaking. This year feels different, perhaps because it’s the first time that I end the year knowing the new one will...

Presidential-Elect Donald J. Trump After much speculation – and meetings from those the media described as “potential candidates,” including Michelle Rhee (who visited the President-Elect with husband, “accused sexual abuser Kevin Johnson,” as Deadspin put it, in tow) – Donald Trump has made his pick for Secretary of Education: Michigan...

I told myself this year that I had to get better at asking folks to support the work I do on this website. I added a blurb to the bottom of my newsletter, for example, informing readers that this site is not funded by ads or investors or corporations or...

President-Elect Trump It’s all so awful. “Trump and Chief Strategist Pick Bannon Disagreed on Foreign Student Policy,” says Inside Higher Ed. That is, Trump thought foreign students who graduate from “top” universities should get to stay in the US. White nationalist Bannon disagreed. Via Chalkbeat: “Eva Moskowitz: I will work...

How do we understand Trump and ed-tech? How do we help students understand? How do we help all of us understand and respond? Back in June, The Chronicle of Higher Education published a mock syllabus for “Trump 101” – “this course will explore the phenomenon that is Donald Trump’s presidential...

Presidential Politics President-Elect Donald J. Trump. The President-Elect on the First Amendment: Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 11, 2016 Trump’s education platform promises to “make post-secondary options more affordable and...

Presidential Campaign Politics Welp. It’s almost over. Via NPR: “What Trump And Clinton Have To Say About Education.” This seems dumb but you know, it makes for a headline: “ Higher ed split 50–50 on Clinton vs. Trump,” according to Education Dive. Blah Blah Blah. [Peter Thiel](Tech Billionaire Backing Trump...